Extended Types

For convenience, additional types are defined to handle common scenarios.


The Number converter should be used for values that can be both integers or floats, but should not be coerced into either type during serialization.

from typing import Optional

from datafiles.converters import Number
Type Annotation Python Value YAML Content
foobar: Number foobar = 42 foobar: 42
foobar: Number foobar = 1.23 foobar: 1.23
foobar: Number foobar = None foobar: 0.0
foobar: Optional[Number] foobar = None foobar:


The Text converter should be used for strings that contain lines of text, which are optimally serialized across multiple lines in a file.

from typing import Optional

from datafiles.converters import Text
Type Annotation Python Value YAML Content
foobar: Text foobar = "Hello, world!" foobar: Hello, world!
foobar: Text foobar = "First\nSecond\n" foobar: |
foobar: Text foobar = None foobar: ""
foobar: Optional[Text] foobar = None foobar:


Subclasses of enum.Enum can also be used as type annotations:

from enum import Enum

class Color:
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3
Type Annotation Python Value YAML Content
color: Color color = Color.BLUE color: 3