File Formats

The following formats are supported for serialization.


By default, datafiles uses the YAML language for serialization. Any of the following file extensions will use this format:

  • .yml
  • .yaml
  • (no extension)

Sample output:

  value: 0
  - value: 1
  - value: 2
my_bool: true
my_float: 1.23
my_int: 42
my_str: Hello, world!

Where possible, comments and whitespace are preserved in files as shown in this notebook.


The JSON language is also supported. Any of the following file extensions will use this format:

  • .json
  • .json5

Sample output:

  "my_dict": {
    "value": 0
  "my_list": [
      "value": 1
      "value": 2
  "my_bool": true,
  "my_float": 1.23,
  "my_int": 42,
  "my_str": "Hello, world!"

Additional examples can be found in this notebook.


The TOML language is also supported. Any of the following file extensions will use this format:

  • .toml

Sample output:

my_bool = true
my_float = 1.23
my_int = 42
my_str = "Hello, world!"

value = 1

value = 2

value = 0

Additional examples can be found in this notebook.

Custom Formats

Additional formats are supported through a registration system.

Map Existing

To map one of the existing formatter classes to a new file extension:

from datafile import datafile, formats

formats.register(".conf", formats.YAML)

class MyConfig:

New Format

To support new formats, extend the datafiles.formats.Formatter base class:

from datafile import datafile, formats

class MyFormat(formats.Format):

    def extensions(cls) -> list[str]:
        return [".my_ext"]

    def deserialize(cls, file_object: IO) -> dict:
        # Read `file_object` and return a dictionary

    def serialize(cls, data: dict) -> str:
        # Convert `data` to a string

formats.register(".my_ext", MyFormat)

class MyConfig: