Model API

A model is created by either extending the Model class or using the datafile() decorator.


Given this example dataclass:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Item:
    name: str
    count: int
    available: bool

Synchronization is enabled by adding the @datafile(<pattern>) decorator:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from datafiles import datafile

class Item:
    name: str
    count: int
    available: bool

or by replacing the @dataclass decorator entirely:

from datafiles import datafile

class Item:
    name: str
    count: int
    available: bool


Instances of the class are synchronized to disk according to the <pattern> string:

Item("abc")  # <=> items/abc.yml
Item("def")  # <=> items/def.yml

Filename patterns are relative to the file in which the model is defined unless <pattern> is an absolute path or explicitly relative to the current directory:

  • Absolute path: /tmp/items/{}.yml
  • Relative to model's module: items/{}.yml
  • Relative to the current directory: ./items/{}.yml
  • Relative to the user's home directory: ~/items/{}.yml

Attributes included in the filename pattern and those with default value are automatically excluded from serialization since these redundant values are not required to restore objects from disk.


The following options can be passed to the @datafile() decorator:

Name Type Description Default
attrs dict Map of attributes to datafile.converters classes for serialization. {} 1
manual bool Synchronize object and file changes manually. False
defaults bool Include attributes with default values when serializing. False
infer bool Automatically infer new attributes from the file. False
frozen bool Freeze the underlying dataclass and prevent multiple loads. False

1 By default, synchronized attributes are inferred from the type annotations.

For example:

from datafiles import datafile

@datafile("items/{}.yml", manual=True, defaults=True)
class Item:
    name: str
    count: int
    available: bool

@datafile("config.yml", infer=True)
class Config:
    default_count: int = 42

Meta class

Alternatively, any of the above options can be configured through code by setting datafile_<option> in a Meta class:

from datafiles import datafile, converters

class Item:
    name: str
    count: int
    available: bool

    class Meta:
        datafile_attrs = {"count": converters.Integer}
        datafile_manual = True
        datafile_defaults = True

Base class

Finally, a datafile can explicitly extend datafiles.Model and set the pattern in the Meta class:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from datafiles import Model, converters

class Item(Model):
    name: str
    count: int
    available: bool

    class Meta:
        datafile_pattern = "items/{}.yml"
        datafile_attrs = {"count": converters.Integer}
        datafile_manual = True
        datafile_defaults = True