Builtin Types

When Python builtin types are used as type annotations they are automatically mapped to the corresponding type in the chosen file format. Any of these types will accept None as a value when made optional.

from typing import Optional


Type Annotation Python Value YAML Content
foobar: bool foobar = True foobar: true
foobar: bool foobar = False foobar: false
foobar: bool foobar = None foobar: false
foobar: Optional[bool] foobar = False foobar:


Type Annotation Python Value YAML Content
foobar: int foobar = 42 foobar: 42
foobar: int foobar = 1.23 foobar: 1
foobar: int foobar = None foobar: 0
foobar: Optional[int] foobar = None foobar:


Type Annotation Python Value YAML Content
foobar: float foobar = 1.23 foobar: 1.23
foobar: float foobar = 42 foobar: 42.0
foobar: float foobar = None foobar: 0.0
foobar: Optional[float] foobar = None foobar:


Type Annotation Python Value YAML Content
foobar: str foobar = "Hello, world!" foobar: Hello, world!
foobar: str foobar = 42 foobar: '42'
foobar: str foobar = None foobar: ''
foobar: Optional[str] foobar = None foobar: